Monday, 11 April 2011

With a little help of FBI

Hey guys, just went through some little bits and bobs on FBI's website, some nice and simple overview of italian mafia you might like. Check it out!

There are of course some other sorts of mob, but I've been always particularly interested in Italian and Sicilian gangsters.


  1. Thank Ondrej, this is great. It seems as though they killed of important people. Maybe our story could also involve an assassination? But the audience could be totally unaware of how it happened and as the story unfolds everything gets revealed!

  2. yep, sounds great. we could come up with some conspiration theory, say about Kennedy's assassination? :-)

  3. Love it man, this is great info here. An assassination story would be good it does have tension, action, and a fast pace to it could turn into something good here things to ponder...

  4. Kennedy's assassination! That'd be sweet! We could fictionalize it through the conspiracy theory.
